Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to Fix USAs Problems



(Limits to Local economic Average as yearly salary)
(No company or private sector "Organized groups" are permitted to donate funds to a politician (ever)
(Political office is held for the people and those that live in your ruling district (period, not companies and constituents.)
(Yearly income for said office is based on the average yearly INCOME of the people in their DISTRICT.)
(With this DISTRICT average income in place, will FORCE those in office to ALWAYS think about the development of a RICH LOCAL economy, and a healthy one. Healthy workers make happy consumers, their averages reflect the DUTY of that DISTRICT leadership.)
(All donations for campaigning has to come from "PEOPLE" not companies.)

In layman's terms, the Local, State, and Federal Offices of Position of Power are to only accept FUNDS for CAMPAIGNING from the PUBLIC. In turn their Annual income is based on the AVERAGE economy of where they REPRESENT. If the Annual Average Salary of their Area is 65k then that is what they make. They have power to increase this by improving their OWN local Economy's which is where change MATTERS. They make their local Economic Average raise to 150k, that's their Annual wage. For Areas that do not meet an certain annual average income, the lowest amount would be set based on a national average, paid for by TAX dollars. In example, say a states average annual salary is only 30k, a FEDERAL office Cap would be used that would state as for example that a FEDERAL income CAP is set at 60k, that Federal Rep would still make 60k and differences being paid by the Federal Reserve.

(Toward Social Services, and illuminating SOCIAL SERVICE "CAMPERS")
(Regulation on those that get government support of tax dollars)
(Making Temporary recipients exempt of "WARD of STATE" status)
(Those without disabilities on long term (State or Federal) assistance they gain "WARD of STATE" status)
(WARD of STATE, applies rules to these persons standard of living. Monitoring that Access of Government services are not being taken advantage of, i.e. Multiple Cellphones, Cable TV in every room of the house, checks for large amounts from local agencies for similar aid.)
(Creating a WARD of STATE - 3rd party agency (local jobs) that monitor "WARD of STATE" clients for violations in the use of the peoples TAX dollars for their assistance and recovery.
(As a provision ALL state or federal aid individuals must make all possible ATTEMPTS to remove themselves by forward success and progression, to become INDEPENDENT financially unless their condition rules this as an IMPOSSIBILITY.)

I personally know and have met many people in my lifetime that were on state assistance, and had color cable in every room of their house (including the bathroom) and they thought it was awesome and funny. As a full time worker, that couldn't afford cable to begin with due to my local economy at the time, i was nothing short of disgusted. Then to top this off this individual also had high speed internet, new appliances, food stamps, and had shown me several "checks" from local churches for amounts over $1200.00 .This all for an individual who had two working arms and legs, and could work but had decided that he didn't want to. He threw fits like a child when told to get a job and would "attack" people claiming they "wronged him". This is obviously a scam, and one the American public is being taken by DAILY.

More and more states are turning into WELFARE states. This is due to poor support when it comes to not ENABLING these types of people but REHABILITATING them into the working world, which equals more tax dollars for us as a country, and LESS we pay out to others that could actually use the HELP.
There is an understanding among everyone I would assume, that a CAMPFIRE mentality of dealing with this should be a good solution. When you CAMP out, the people that help make the meal and gather the wood and pick the berries are the ones that should share of the rewards. If someone at the camp is injured, they would help with what they COULD, and also share the rewards. But the ones that are ABLE bodied, and sit at the fire begging handouts, SHOULD get NOTHING. Simple social psychology there. We need to STOP enabling this kind of behavior and rewarding these TYPES of people with benefits they don't pay into, and they should if needing this type of help; be set on a path to make themselves self sufficient. Again the end result, (and this excludes those of course that honestly don't have the physical or mental capacity) is moving them toward being self sufficient, happy, healthy active members of society.

3) BUSINESS TAX and RELIEF for hiring in the USA
(Tax breaks for companies that employ US citizens to work in the USA)
(TAX breaks for companies that have WORKING factory's and shops in the USA)
(TAX breaks for all those companies as reward for FOLLOWING all STATE, FEDERAL and LOCAL laws on an annual basis, i.e. Cultural Diversity, Pollution regulations, Handicap Access, Sanitation).
(TAX breaks for STARTER companies, with less than 200 employees).

Our biggest economy issue is that US companies outsource their PHONE service contracts overseas to AVOID overhead costs and labor charges that a fairer and healthier USA law base requires of our work environments. They hire in countries that have lax Social Service laws and human rights regulations, and economies that are suffering and will work for less. This is fine on the level of assisting a foreign economy, however on a global scale, this takes from USA jobs and economic growth. Jobs = Consumers = Producers profit lines... this is all based on the bottom line. Well, placing a Tax on companies that create foreign jobs and provide tax relief for companies under the present 200k limits, and employ US citizens in facilities in the USA. Provide tax relief as an added bonus for following all applicable Local, state and federal laws in relation to the people, the country and the environment. This and extending assistance for upstart companies and providing more services available for start up companies not only will create jobs my making these types of services available, but also in the end product of new products and services being created by US citizens working from the USA, and employing our population. This also creates growth in all industries..

(Illegal Immigration workers center, Mexican Border)
(Building the Border Wall)
(Enforcing LEGAL Immigration and VISA workers into the USA)
(Offering VISA cards to Immigrants that serve at "Border Project")

The idea here is that we are a melting pot, I find most don't have an issue in grasping this. What many don't understand is why Border security is so lax, why illegals are found over and over again, captured and sent back over and over. Why the economy of California and a number of other states are being bogged down by immigrants on the social service and welfare system. (See as explained above, but add that when an illegal immigrant comes to this country and has a child and lives in poverty, we as a people take care of them and their children in many cases, again "CAMPING", we also don't get federal tax o these people to fill the money that they are using on social services, because most of their incomes are "under the table". This needs to stop, we can not stop the people that have already taken advantage of this ""HOLE" in our system, but to make the end result "BETTER" for the immigrant gaining VISA and Citizenship..

Immigrants that are caught are given the option to work on a Border Wall project that is Federally funded. This project allows them to work for the US government for 1yr, which then allows them to apply for a VISA. They now have a FEDERAL job reference and a VISA. They then work in the USA for a term as dictated and take the tests that MY ancestors had to take to get citizenship, and now they are in the FREE WORLD. Everyone benefits, once this project expires, we start another one. Secure our Borders, fix our infrastructural, clean up our world, and help immigrants come to our country on a good foot, the right way. As LEGAL contributors to our GLORY as our forefathers did.

(Make everything the "government" has gotten themselves for "deals" in reference to insurance benefits available to all the general public.)
(All basic emergency care "free" as paid by the government as a TAX right-off.)
(These funds to pay the coverage of Emergency Care comes from Social Security Disclaimer.)

Make the same breaks, deals and layouts of plans that the government makes for themselves, available to the public. Cover all emergency care through individual % earned over their lifetime as a paid in "Medical Emergency Fund" used to cover government reporting on Emergency room care, and other "NEEDED" services that are not covered by the "BIG" insurance companies. And that know that one persons Cancer is our Cancer, that synthetic Drugs are not a cure but a band aid in most cases, demand a cross the board pricing system that allows all people medical care, even when big companies shut the door.

(These should be enacted as awards to a STATE not to the COUNTRY, class suites and legislation made on behalf of individuals or entities to make laws to go into action for the entire USA is not acceptable.)
(States vary in their needs, and economy as well as the mindset of their PEOPLE. We are one PEOPLE, which means what is good for one PEOPLE in one state, is not always the best thing for other states. To make BLANKET laws on SOCIAL issues should never fall in the hands of CONGRESS. These are things that should be changed at the STATE level and when it gets to CONGRESS, it is simply ruled by a HIGHER office to search for discrimination or injustice. ie BLANKET laws on Abortion, Drug control, and End of Life. These should be handled at a STATE level, not a FEDERAL one as LAW for ALL states.)
(FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should be overseeing lower government and monitoring for those that would be acting against the Nations interests at heart, and the PEOPLE should be watching over the FEDERAL government as well as LOCAL representatives of their associated State or DISTRICT.)
(All LOCAL, STATE, and FEDERAL positions of OFFICE should adhere to all the same LAWS and BILLS that have been passed, and violators are treated as any criminal would.)

To put this simply, when a LAW goes into effect for a STATE, it should be for that STATE, and not turned into MANDATORY federal law on issues of PERSONAL CHOICE. These issues should be handled on a STATE level, and not implemented by FEDERAL AGENCIES. The Federal element should only enter these issues to RULE out BIAS when it is an argument between the State, an individual or a company, on the State level, and not then turned into FEDERAL LAW.

As an example, if a State wishes for Social and Economic reasons that certain medications should be legal or not, this should fall into a STATE ruling, not a FEDERAL one. The Fed should simply FOLLOW the movement and results of the RULING and its effects, so that this information can be presented in future cases that are similar.

The FEDERAL office should be in place to watch over HUMAN RIGHTS, EQUALITY, FREEDOM of PERSONAL choice, and Monitoring the STATE governments. The ACTION is funded by State and Federal sources, but made possible at the STATE and LOCAL level of the People themselves. When there are tax changes and refunds or stimulus that's released, it should never be to anyone OTHER than the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS and not to companies and conglomerates that we PURCHASE our goods and services from.

They should better manage the money we pay them for their products and services, but as a Company you should have NO access EVER of tax payer dollars. That's OUR piggy BANK, stop taking out of it! This applies to all departments that fund their paper pushing through unneeded government offices.

(This image was taken from : An Image posted in a comment called "World Bank President Admits Agenda For Global Government" on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 (By Paul Joseph Watson @ Prison

Since when do I call a local State or Federal Agency, and they treat me like a Customer, not a Tax paying citizen that is the reason they have a phone to answer, or an office to sit in in the first place? Still don't believe we have lost control? Visit or call, the DOT, The Courts, DHS, you'll be treated like an ignorant Customer, not a taxpayer. Another example where this elitist attitude effects us - I went to court for a car not being registered on my property, I thought it was a dead beat roommate who's car was unlicensed and unregistered. I explained to the Judge the car had been removed as that room mate moved out. "The Judge said I wonder what he'd say about you?" Then they showed me the picture of the car, and he asked me - so this car is gone? And to my surprise it was my car, they hadn't listed the car in question so i only had to assume it was his. But it was mine. I then said no that's my car, whats the problem? He said registration, and I asked what do I have to do to take care of this? He then asked if I was serious. I said yes, and he told me to get out of his courtroom.

I went to the clerk, where I was finally allowed to explain that my wife always took care of this, and I didn't know what to do. She understood and told me what I needed. it helped me. The judge didn't. This is the point, this is how our "Government" from LOCAL (courts and law enforcement), to State and Federal offices treat and stereotype their citizens. This is unacceptable. I had to call the police as there were hoodlums that kept harassing my front stoop and loitering, the officer asked me, "do you own this building?" I said "no", he stated, "well I am not in this uniform to work for you, I wear this uniform for the Landowners."

Again this is the mentality of the people we vote into power, or our manipulate votes get into power, and its because of lack of MONITORING them, we are giving them FREE reign and allowing them to maintain this ELITIST attitude that keeps us underfoot in what is a distorted ARISTOCRACY.

Read up on what an Aristocracy is by clicking HERE, and tell me this is not what we are victims of, at the cost of our Billions and TRILLIONS in TAX dollars, and from Bench Potatoes playing their "Yes/No" games and continue to not get things done. As they can "Yes and No," until the cows come home. We also need a THIRD official party, so these votes can be voted and our Country can move forward instead of argueing the same issues, which should be STATE handled issues to begin with.

Take our DEMOCRACY back, and put rules in place for THEM, set expectations. Make them adhere to the rules for EQUALITY and removing the ELITIST puppet master ideal. The media, is controlled by these same big companies that control our government, this is a information illusion, as we only know what they tell us. Which also involves all of them in their "DARK" inner circle of the most powerful that control everything we know to be real. When they try and convince you your VOICE does not matter, no matter how indirectly, those PEOPLE are guilty of causing the POWERS that be to do what they want, for every one person they convince not to stand up and be heard. Honestly people that TELL you that your voice don't count, or that your Vote means nothing; should be tried as CRIMINALS to the COUNTRY for promoting others into NOT using their RIGHTS to speak up and be counted. We ALL have the HUMAN right to be heard, and WHENEVER YOUR money, (yes YOUR money that YOU earned), is being taken for a product or a service, or even taken by our Government, with the intention of PROVIDING for those fees, you DESERVE to get the RESULTS you were told to look forward to. Stand up and let your VOICE be heard, write articles! Find the Truth! Our country is Beautiful, and culturally advanced, lets get our Government and Society's outlook on these types of answers as a solution.

Take our Democracy Back !
(Lets make our government BECOME honest again!)


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